Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments by emailing laketraversedogs@yahoo.com, connecting with us on Facebook, calling our phone number, or mailing correspondence to our mailing address. *We will not sell, give away, or spam your email address.
Mailing Address:
Lake Traverse Animal Rezcue
12125 SD Hwy 10
Browns Valley, MN 56219
Dog Intake:
- (701)809-8500 Alisa
Cat Intake:
- (320)761-1713 Tina
Vetting Programs:
- (763)232-3420 Cheryl
Adoption Program (Cats in Shakopee, MN):
- lauracanddcats@gmail.com
Email: LakeTraverseDogs@yahoo.com
Facebook: Lake Traverse Animal Rezcue