We are always in need of all sorts of volunteers. No matter what your circumstances, you can help! Please email laketraversedogs@yahoo.com if you can help.

We especially need volunteers on the reservation!
- Intake Coordinators- Can you help with picking up, photographing and listing animals in need of rescue? It is also possible you may need to take an animal in to the vet if you found a sick or injured animal. The rescue pays the vet bills. Access to a vehicle and cell phone are required. Mileage is tax deductible.
- Foster Homes- We need foster homes to care for animals on a short term basis until we can transport them to their rescue groups. You provide a safe environment, love and attention, and we provide food and necessary supplies.
- Coordinate or help with events and fundraisers- Do you have great ideas, or want to help, but can’t help directly with the animals? We need assistance with coming up with fundraising ideas, and help in implementing them. We have had a garage sale, Country Bingo, food sales and raffles. If you want to head up an event, or spend a couple hours helping at an event, let us know. Even if you can’t leave home, but are a GREAT cook, let us know! We may be able to use food you make at one of our events! These events are primarily in the Sisseton area.
Volunteers on the reservation, in the Twin Cities, or elsewhere can help too:
- Transportation help- Each week we transport animals from the reservation to the Twin Cities to their rescue groups. We have a transport coordinator who works out all the details, and lets you know where you need to go and when. Most transports are on weekends, and the normal driving legs are: Sisseton to Alexandria, Alexandria to St Cloud, St Cloud to Maple Grove, and Maple Grove to Burnsville. It is also possible that we need help driving further south from Burnsville, if we have animals that need to get to rescue in southern MN. We have animal crates to loan out to you, and your mileage is tax deductible. Do you drive between Sisseton and Fargo, or Sisseton and the Twin Cities? Can we send an animal or two with on your trip? Help an animal, and your mileage becomes tax deductible! We also often have the need for someone to drive around the Twin Cities to pick up donations or crates. Cats are left in the same crate for the whole transport, so the crates end up with the rescue groups. We need to collect them periodically, and get them back to the NW suburbs for storage.
- Spay/Neuter clinic help- Each year we will hold one or two spay/neuter clinics between the months of April and October. We need assistance during these clinics to help with check in, handling and labeling the animals, cleaning crates, making lunch, set up and clean up each day, and many other tasks. Our clinics are primarily in Sisseton, but could be held in other locations on the reservation. Are you from out of town? We’ll help find a place for you to stay while you are on the reservation to help with the clinic.
- Twin Cities event help- We will be sponsoring more and more events and fundraisers in the Twin Cities area to benefit the LTAR animals. So many of our animals go to the Twin Cities, so there a lot of adopters and supporters there.