Happy New Year Everyone!
We have a lot of things coming up in the next two weeks. This Saturday, Jan 5th will be our first Rez Rescue Run of the 2012-2013 winter. We always do these during the winter, as it is easy to find the animals in need. During warm weather the strays are running the countryside. In the winter they stay in closer to the neighborhoods so they can find food. We still need volunteer drivers and co-pilots to assist withh the run, as well as rescues that can take animals that day. It is a long day, but a very rewarding experience.
On Thurs, Jan 10th from 9-1 we are holding our first ever vaccination clinic. We received grant money from the ASPCA for vaccines, and it needs to be used up by the end of January. I’ll publish the location of the clinic as soon as I have it.
Since our inception in Nov 2010, LTAR has saved about 975 animals by removing them from the reservation and sending them in to rescue. We have also Spayed/Neutered about 315 animals during that time, with the majority of them remaining on the reservation.
The one bit of bad news is that our website will be going away, and will be rebuilt on a free web hosting site. I didn’t realize the cost for this site would be $360 per year, and that would just take away too much of our money that needs to go to helping the animals. Look forward to a new site coming soon. I’m not sure exactly when this one will be disabled.
Here’s looking forward to a great 2013!
Thanks for your support!